About Youth Leadership

Coshocton County Youth Leadership logoBENEFITS

The benefits of participating in Coshocton County Youth Leadership are many!

Develop your ability to lead
Society needs leaders. The leadership development classes provide a solid foundation of fundamentals to help you increase your leadership knowledge and skills.

Increase your self-confidence!
By experiencing a variety of leadership classes, you will feel more comfortable with your ability to be an effective leader.

The opportunity to interact and network!
Each class gives you the opportunity to interact with presenters, community leaders and students from other high schools, establishing valuable contacts.

Learn about your community!
You will be provided a unique opportunity to experience the many facets of our county and see first-hand its challenges and opportunities for the future.



Youth will be selected for the program from Coshocton County high schools; home school youth and the Coshocton Christian School. Students apply in the winter of their sophomore year to participate during their junior year. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required.  Applications are due March 1.

The dates of the program are established in advance and participants must attend all program days.  Attendance at the Orientation; both days of Opening Retreat; Closing Retreat and Graduation are required to graduate.  For a PROPOSED Program Calendar, please visit our schedule page.

A committee of  the Leadership Advisory Board will review submitted applications and select students to comprise the class.

Coshocton County Youth Leadership is sponsored by Leadership Coshocton County, and is funded by the Coshocton Foundation; the Dunmire Family Fund; Simpson Family Donor Advised Fund; Kiwanis Club of Coshocton and River View Schools Fund.  Additionally, accepted participants are asked to pay a materials fee of $25.00, due at Orientation.


Potential topics may include but are not limited to:

History; Business; Economic Development and Community Revitalization; Public Safety; County Courts and Government; Social Service Organizations and Poverty; Adapting to Change and Public Speaking; Community Stewardship; Philanthropy and Foundations; and Agriculture.  Please visit our schedule page  for details on the upcoming program year.